Temporary Change in Business Operations

Update: 28.03.2020


The health and safety of our shoppers, tenants and employees of Carlton Centre, Cross Crossing Centre, Allum's Centre and by extension, our community, will always be our highest priority.

To help keep everyone as safe as possible, and in compliance with the directives issued by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, only essential stores and services will remain open during the period March 30th to April 15th.

JTA Supermarkets remains operational across all three properties to ensure our community has access to important products and services. 

We understand that this is a highly dynamic and evolving situation and we commit to providing you with regular updates and will advise when we will be re-opening.

Now more than ever it is critical that we not only take necessary measures to protect ourselves and those we love but also to remain optimistic. As a nation where every creed and race has always found an equal place, let us work together to show our resilience in defeating this global challenge.

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