Tewarie at C3 sod-turning: T&T economy in growth mode

From the Trinidad Guardian Newspaper - Reshma Ragoonath - May 9, 2013

Planning and Sustainable Development Minister Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie says the T&T economy has kicked into “growth mode” and is turning around from the decline recorded in 2012. Tewarie delivered the good economic news yesterday as he turned the sod for construction of JT Allum and Company Limited’s $500 million C3 Centre at Bremar Road, Corinth, San Fernando. The shopping and entertainment facility will be anchored by major tenants, JTA Supermarket and Movietowne.

Christopher Mack, managing director of JT Allum, said the C3 Centre will be a “state of the art, world class facility when completed in 2015.” He said the complex, which will sit on 600,000 square feet of building space and on 20 acres of land, “will deliver a unique shopping and entertainment experience to the southland.” Tewarie agreed and said the major private sector investment was a welcome signal of confidence in the economy.

“T&T has turned the corner and the economy has moved from decline to growth. The construction sector is picking up, the non-energy sectors are becoming buoyant, services are growing and diversification, slowly but surely is happening,” he said. Tewarie said in 2012 the country experienced “modest growth”and growth has been forecast to be 2.5 per cent for this year.

Read the full article at http://www.guardian.co.tt/business/2013-05-09/tewarie-c3-sod-turning-tt-economy-growth-mode

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